Publications (download list)
Energy Transition General
- 2021_Towards_a_more_effective_lowcarbon_energy_system_in_China_EN.pdf (946 KB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Transition in China and Germany_CHN (3 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Transition in China and Germany_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Transition in Germany_CHN (9 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Transition in Germany_ENG (5 MB, PDF)
- 2023_The Role of Energy Law in German Energy Transition_CHN (9 MB, PDF)
Energy Security
Energy Efficiency
- 2023_Germanys_Regulatory_Framework_and_Instruments_for_Energy_Efficiency_in_Industry_EN.pdf (1 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Energy Efficiency Network in Germany, China and other Countires_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Towards_an_Efficient_and_Green_Energy_System_in_Cities_CN.pdf (9 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Towards_an_Efficient_and_Green_Energy_System_in_Cities_EN.pdf (8 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Germany’s Regulatory Framework and Instruments for Energy Efficiency in Industry_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Efficiency Policies in Germany and its Implications for China_CHN (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Analysis and Simulation of DSM and Energy Efficiency in Chinese and German Industry_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Analysis and Simulation of DSM and Energy Efficiency in Chinese and German Industry_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in Airports_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Ceramics Industry_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Energy Efficiency Network in Germany_ENG (635 KB, PDF)
- 2022_Energy Efficiency Network in Germany_CHN (843 KB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in Airports_CHN (24 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Cement Industry_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Cement Industry_CHN (16 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Glass Fibre Industry_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Glass Fibre Industry_CHN (24 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Technical Guideline Energy Efficiency in the Ceramics Industry_CHN (14 MB, PDF)
Decarbonising Industry & Industry Parks
- 2024_Towards_an_Efficient_and_Green_Energy_System_in_Cities_CN.pdf (9 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Towards_an_Efficient_and_Green_Energy_System_in_Cities_EN.pdf (8 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Circular Economy - Approaches to the low carbon transition of heavy industries_CHN (98 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Circular Economy - Approaches to the low carbon transition of heavy industries_ENG (99 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Climate-Neutral Districts: Outlook for Industrial Parks_CHN (24 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Climate-Neutral Districts: Outlook for Industrial Parks_ENG (23 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Digital Tools for the Development of Climate Neutral Districts_CHN (3 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Digital Tools for the Development of Climate Neutral Districts_ENG (2 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Education and Training in the Field of Climate Neutral Districts in Germany_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Education and Training in the Field of Climate Neutral Districts in Germany_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Energy Efficiency Concept in Jintan Industrial Park_CHN (8 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Facilitating China's Industrial Transformation with CCUS_CHN (70 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Facilitating China's Industrial Transformation with CCUS_ENG (70 MB, PDF)
Renewable Energy
- 2024_Renewable energy – business and financial models_ENG (60 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Renewable energy – business and financial models_CHN (57 MB, PDF)
- 2024_Development of Distributed PV in Germany_CHN (593 KB, PDF)
- 2024_Agrivoltaics_Opportunities for Agriculture and the Energy Transition_Guideline for Germany_CHN (16 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Innovative distributed generation and storage_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Innovative distributed generation and storage_CHN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Impact of China wholesale power price reform on economics of distributed PV and storage_ENG (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Coordinated Development of Distributed Renewables and New Type of Power System in China_CHN (12 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Contributions of renewables to ancillary services and system stability_ENG (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Contributions of renewables to ancillary services and system stability_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Biomethane trading systems in Europe and Germany_ENG (4 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Biomethane trading systems in Europe and Germany_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2021_Economics of Urban Distributed PV in China_ENG (4 MB, PDF)
- 2021_Economics of Urban Distributed PV in China_CHN (5 MB, PDF)
- 2021_China Low-Carbon Biomass Development Blue Paper_CHN (3 MB, PDF)
Electricity Markets
- 2022_Data centre flexibility in Germany and China_CHN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Smart grid in China_CHN (6 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Smart grid in China_ENG (7 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Assessing power system adequacy in Germany and Europe, and lessons for China_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Assessing power system adequacy in Germany and Europe, and lessons for China_CHN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Flexibility technologies and measures in the German Power System_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Data centre flexibility in Germany and China_EN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Decentralized flexibility and integration of renewable energy_CHN (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Decentralized flexibility and integration of renewable energy_ENG (3 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Flexibility technologies and measures in the German power system_ENG (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Power System Flexibility and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in Shanxi Province_CHN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Power System Flexibility and Virtual Power Plant (VPP) in Shanxi Province_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Smart grids in Germany: Current situation_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Smart grids in Germany: Current situation_CHN (18 MB, PDF)
- 2023_System Stability Roadmap_Roadmap for achieving the secure and robust operation of the future power supply system with 100% renewable energy sources (barrier-free)_CN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Transnet BW Stromnetz 2050_CHN (6 MB, PDF)
Green Hydrogen, PtX
- 2022_The Role of Synthetic Energy Carriers in Sector Coupling_ENG (1 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Prospects of Renewable Hydrogen in China and Its Role in Industrial Decarbonization_ENG (7 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Prospects of Renewable Hydrogen in China and Its Role in Industrial Decarbonization_CHN (7 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Certification of green hydrogen in EU_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Certification of green hydrogen in EU_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
- 2022_The Role of Synthetic Energy Carriers in Sector Coupling_CHN (1 MB, PDF)
Heating Transition
- 2022_Industrial_high_temperature_heat_pumps_in_Germany_and_Europe__potentials_application_cases_and_support_EN.pdf (2 MB, PDF)
- 2023_High Temperature Heat Pumps in Germany_CHN (2 MB, PDF)
- 2023_District Heating Policy Recommendations for China_CHN (946 KB, PDF)
- 2024_Training Handbook for Heat Pump Installation in China_CHN (10 MB, PDF)
- 2021_Heat Pump White Paper in China_CHN (35 MB, PDF)
- 2022_Heat Pump White Paper in China_CHN (60 MB, PDF)
- 2023_Heat Pump White Paper in China_CHN (2 MB, PDF)