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29.03.2024 Women in green energy

Network event fostered exchange on women empowerment in green transition

Group photo of participants, source: Hydrogen Energy Industry Committee (HEIC)
Group photo of participants, source: Hydrogen Energy Industry Committee (HEIC)

Since its launch in December 2020 under the framework of the Sino-German Energy Partnership, the Women in Green Energy Initiative is dedicated to promoting gender equality and empowering women in China's energy transition. By collaborating with local and international partners, the Initiative has been continuously facilitating network events, knowledge exchange, and skill development for female professionals in China's energy sector.

On March 29th 2024, GIZ collaborated with China’s Hydrogen Energy Industry Committee (HEIC) and jointly organised a networking event on women empowerment in the green transition. The invited experts delved into the opportunities and challenges for female professionals in the transition process. The discussion centred around best practices and potential measures to support women in green energy transition, untap their participation and leadership potential, and create equal opportunities for women to succeed in speeding up energy transition.

This event is the third in its series of women empowerment networking event in collaboration with HEIC since March 2023. The growing number of interested speakers from various areas including 3 male speakers (in comparison to zero in March 2023) shows a growing interest and awareness among Chinese stakeholders on gender equality and women empowerment.